I come from poor families but a lot more than me but still I was alive slalu shortcomings that I feel inferior in the eyes of people. Since childhood I was not getting enough affection seoarang mother, because since childhood my parents are divorced and my father married again so I stayed at my stepmother I will not know the whereabouts of my mother till today. While my father was working outside the city within three working days a week for three days at home, as usual the money from the father's work was just enough for daily meals and stepmom open a small shop so every day I told my mother shopped at when I grade 6 SD and since then I somehow I so insecure with my friends since I was always late to school but luckily not in the same teacher scold, I'm not dumb at school so I always get the ratings even though only the top ten and eventually I graduated MTs / SMP with a value that is not very bad and then I want to go to school to STM / level of high school but alas my parents could not pay a registration fee of 300 thousand dollars and I'm not finished school since then I shut myself in my room and I cry every days because it wanted the school and I did for a year until I've got a weak heart and lung disease but my parents do not want to know or not know I also do not know and I went to my sister and escorted pukesmas doctor says I've got a heart, not pay because the health center for free eyebrow and I doubt I continue to check my illness to general practitioners, doctors said I have fluid in paruku trus given a drug at a doctor, I pay to use the money that was given my grandmother from my real mom who turned me and my brothers and since then I do not ever again memerikasan illness, org because my parents do not want to know so say I was cured, a few days later my aunt told me there are relatives of the grandmothers who are looking for in an adopted child because I was so pinginya sekolahkan school without much thought I said I want to be a foster child and a day later I went on my dad to deliver the same adoptive parents got there I immediately received by adoptive parents who want menyekolahkanku but do not know why I do not like living there I finally decided to ask permission to come home biological parents when I got home I told you not at home living there to hear my words, my father immediately fly off the handle I got tears in hajarnya and since then returned home with the adoptive parents half-heartedly but I try to survive until I at least finished high school. Parents are actually good but somehow I do not like living there. Get up early as usual my godmother menyurah I went shopping to buy for cooking purposes, after the home shopping continues to help me clean my godmother's house to cook until done sometimes unfinished because I live at 07:00 I have to go school. To be continued.